Summit Journal: Fall 2024 Call for Research and Articles

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AFIRE is seeking proposals and article drafts for the next issue Summit Journal, to be released this September at the AFIRE 2024 Annual Member Meeting.

This is an open call for article and research submissions addressing any topic of interest across the commercial real estate spectrum.

Topics may include:

  • Asset class updates and insights (e.g., multifamily, industrial, office, etc.)
  • Macroeconomic trends and capital markets analyses
  • Climate change topics, including migration, insurance, and resilience
  • Geopolitics, global affairs, and cross-border investment
  • Regulatory updates (e.g. expanding role of CFIUS)
  • Infrastructure investment, urban design, and development

. . . and any other topics you consider of interest to investors, investment managers, and users of the built environment.

We are accepting both proposals and draft articles for consideration with a deadline of July 20.

If your proposal is accepted, functional drafts of approximately 1,500–2,500 words with a deadline of August 10.

Submit your proposals directly to Summit Journal Editor-in-Chief Ben van Loon at All formats accepted.

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