AFIRE Podcast: Real Estate Stewardship (ep. 2022.01)

Whether it’s the impact of income inequality and the lack of affordable housing or the rise of populism and global sea levels, or evolving migration to and from primary cities, the economic and geopolitical challenges of today matter to the institutional real estate investor.

There is more risk, but also more potential to make a meaningful positive impact for investors and the general environment. It is a complicated but navigable landscape for those with eyes wide open.

In this two-part series at the beginning of the AFIRE Podcast’s 2022 season, Dr. Alexis Crow, leader of PwC’s Geopolitical Investing Practice, sat down on November 30, 2021 with AFIRE CEO and podcast host Gunnar Branson to talk about the role real estate stewardship has in the evolving global landscape. Is the industry—and are the people behind it—ready to take on the challenge?

A noted speaker and previous guest at AFIRE executive conferences, Dr. Crow brings a near encyclopedic knowledge of geopolitics and economics home to the real estate space.


Dr. Alexis Crow leads the Geopolitical Investing practice at PwC, helping leading corporations and asset managers to capitalize on dislocations in order to profit and expand around the globe. Previously, she was Managing Director at New York-based G2 Investment Group, where she was responsible for developing investment strategies for the firm, and for providing counsel on geopolitical issues across asset classes.

Prior to joining G2, Dr. Crow was an expert at the London, UK-based think-tank Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs), where she led a project on managing risk across cultural boundaries, and which facilitated dialogue between governments, business executives and thought leaders in key global hotspots. Crow is a regular speaker on economics, finance, and geopolitics in conferences and thought leadership forums in Europe, Asia, the US, and the Middle East.

Previously, Dr. Crow was a Teaching Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She also worked as an analyst at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London, and managed the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, St. Andrews, Scotland. Dr. Crow holds a First Class MA in International Relations from the University of St Andrews, Scotland, and a Masters and PhD from the London School of Economics. She is fluent in French and Spanish, and has a working knowledge of Portuguese, Italian, and beginners Hindi. Dr. Crow has contributed frequently to international print, radio, and television media, including The Financial Times, The New York Times, Foreign Affairs, Bloomberg, BBC, BBC Arabic, France 24, Al-Jazeera, Xinhua, CNN, The Washington Post, and World Post/Huffington Post.  She is a guest lecturer at Columbia Business School, and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), and is a Senior Fellow at Columbia Business School, and a Senior Fellow in the Global Business and Economics programme at the Atlantic Council.

The AFIRE Podcast with Gunnar Branson is the official, multiple-award-winning podcast of AFIRE, the association for international real estate investors focused on commercial property in the United States.

Hosted by AFIRE CEO Gunnar Branson, the podcast features informative and in-depth conversations with experts across the full spectrum of real estate, investment, sustainability, economics, geopolitics, and urbanism with a focus on helping each other become Better Investors, Better Leaders, and Better Global Citizens. To learn more, visit


The publisher of the AFIRE Podcast is not engaged in providing tax, accounting, or legal advice through this publication. No content published in the AFIRE Podcast is to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any asset. Some information included in the AFIRE Podcast has been obtained from third-party sources considered to be reliable, though the publisher is not responsible for guaranteeing the accuracy of third-party information. The opinions expressed in the AFIRE Podcast are those of its respective contributors and sources and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.


Benjamin van Loon, Communications Director | +1 202 312 1405

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