(Featuring Tracy Loh, Fellow, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking, Brookings Institution)
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many investors to restructure their agendas. What does it mean to “reset real estate,” and what role should investors have in imagining in the future of the world?
In this new episode of the AFIRE Podcast—the first of a two-part conversation—podcast host and AFIRE CEO Gunnar Branson sits down with Tracy Loh of the Brookings Institution, and co-author of Brookings’ “The Great Real Estate Reset: A data-driven initiative to remake how and what we build,” to unravel the economic, social, and political trends that have accelerated during the pandemic—and will significantly affect the real estate landscape for years to come.
In order to create change in a major sector in the economy—one which constitutes 43% of all investment assets in the US—it is crucial to look at the fundamentals of the industry, and where they fit into the larger social context. Climate change, social unrest, and other emergent imbalances and crises indicate the need to “reset” the status quo. According to Loh, we must “think bigger about new policies that are more just and prioritize an economy that is more resilient.”
Listen on your favorite podcast service (Apple, Google, Spotify) for the full episode.

Tracy Loh is the Fellow with the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking at the Brookings Institution.
Prior to joining Brookings, Tracy was senior data scientist at the Center for Real Estate & Urban Analysis at the George Washington University School of Business. She was previously the director of research at the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. She is a graduate of DC public schools and holds a Ph.D. in city and regional planning from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition to her research interest in placemaking, she served two years representing Ward 1 on the Mount Rainier City Council in Prince George’s County, Md. Tracy is currently a member of the Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Bicycle Transportation at the National Academy of Sciences.
Tracy’s research focuses on commercial real estate and how place-level assets interact and affect the opportunities, prospects, and resilience of the people and enterprises that call a place home. She has recently written about the impact of COVID-19 on the retail sector and the need for governance reform to address the extreme and growing spatialization of inequality in US metropolitan regions.
The publisher of AFIRE Podcasts is not engaged in providing tax, accounting, or legal advice through this publication. No content published in the AFIRE Podcast is to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any asset. Some information included in the AFIRE Podcast has been obtained from third-party sources considered to be reliable, though the publisher is not responsible for guaranteeing the accuracy of third-party information. The opinions expressed in the AFIRE Podcast are those of its respective contributors and sources and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.
Benjamin van Loon, Communications Director
bvanloon@afire.org | +1 202 312 1405