Membership with AFIRE is invitation-only and exclusive to approved institutional investors, associate organizations, and supporting firms.
Membership is organization-based, and each member organization is represented by a primary delegate— typically the executive leader—alongside a list of approved company delegates, rising leaders, and invited guests.

- Institutions outside of the US or its US-controlled subsidiaries engaged in international real estate investing, such as pension funds, insurance companies, banks, and large public and private companies.
- May send two delegates to a conference on a complimentary basis. A third delegate may attend for the member meeting registration fee.
- Firms actively engaged in managing and advising investment accounts for non-US institutions that are Institutional members or would qualify as such.
- Applicants must be sponsored by an AFIRE Institutional member and the Executive Committee must consider the applicant to be beneficial in the furtherance of the AFIRE’s goals.
- May send up to two delegates to a conference, with applicable member registration fees.
- International or US-based accounting and law firms actively engaged in representing foreign institutions that would qualify as Institutional members.
- Limited to 25 firms.
- May send up to two delegates to a conference, with applicable member registration fees.
(Fill out this form to receive an AFIRE Membership Prospectus.)