Washington, DC + Online, September 22–23, 2021

AFIRE members are invited to convene this September 22–23 in Washington, DC for the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting and Celebration Event!
After more than a year of virtual events, this hybrid meeting will celebrate connections, innovations, and accomplishments for attendees in all formats.
Simply click above or fill out this form to register.
Email Asmait Tewelde to request the latest registration list.
Proof of vaccination and indoor masking (surgical or medical-grade) required for all in-person attendees.
All meal functions will be held outdoors.

Dr. Alexis Crow

Willard Hotel, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC
09:00–11:30 / Executive Committee
11:30–14:00 / Board Meeting + Lunch
14:15–15:30 / Committee Meetings
16:00–17:00 / INSITUTIONAL SESSION: “Capturing Alpha in Multifamily Post-COVID”
18:00–21:00 / Cocktail Reception (Outdoors)
Ronald Reagan Building and Trade Center, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC
08:00 / Breakfast
09:00 / Welcoming Remarks
09:30 / Opening Keynote
09:45 / “What Did You Learn from COVID?” Moderated Discussion
10:15 / Networking Break
11:00 / Conversation with Penny Pritzker (w/ Karen Horstmann)
11:50 / “A Composition for International Real Estate Investors” (w/ Fabrice Lubin, Psy.D., AFIRE Poet Laureate)
12:10 / Lunch
13:30 / Conversation with Dr. Alexis Crow (w/ Byron Carlock)
14:30 / Networking Break
15:30 / Closing Keynote (Speaker TBD) (w/ Gabe Klein)
17:00 / Cocktail Celebration
Intercontinental / The Willard / Washington, DC
1401 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20004
Book by 22 August to receive the AFIRE reduced rates.
Select book now and AFIRE rates will appear for September 22–23.
$449/Deluxe | $504/Premium
Willard Hotel
1401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004
AFIRE is actively monitoring COVID-19 trends and guidance provided by the CDC, ECDC, and Washington, DC, and the impact that health measures or other factors may have on the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting. The health and safety of our in-person meeting attendees, staff, and guests is our top priority, and AFIRE is committed to creating a safe environment for this event.
All in-person attendees will need to (A) provide a proof of vaccination and (B) be required to wear a mask at all times for any indoor activities.
AFIRE will provide sanitized, medical-grade masks on-site.
Proof of vaccination can be provided digitally (via scanned PDF or other file type) prior to the event by emailing Asmait Tewelde, Meeting Director, atewelde@afire.org. Vaccine forms may also be shown at check-in prior to receiving your event badge.
(All vaccine and COVID result forms will be presented for review by event staff and will not be retained for any reason.)
By registering for the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting, you agree to the AFIRE 2021 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING COVID-19 LIABILITY WAIVER AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK.
If you are displaying any symptom of COVID-19 (e.g., sore throat, cough, fatigue, headache, rash, fever, body aches, etc.) and/or you have recently and knowingly been exposed to anyone who tested positive, do not attend the conference in person. Your registration will be fully refunded (or partially refunded should you opt for the virtual alternative).
Click here to review Willard Hotel Health and Safety Information (22 September 2021).
Click here to review Reagan Center Health and Safety Information (23 September 2021).
AFIRE may need to adjust its policies and procedures to remain compliant with public health measures and will communicate any such actions to meeting participants with expediency and transparency.
In addition to operating in compliance with municipal and federal health and safety standards, event managers will implement the following best practices:
- Usage of optional, color-coded wrist bands to communicate social distancing preference.
- Green: Handshakes and hugs okay; no distance desired
- Yellow: Bows or fist bumps okay; partial distance desired
- Red: No physical contact; full social distance desired
- Compliance with state, local, and venue guidance regarding health and safety, and will encourage frequent hand washing, sanitizing, and social distancing.
- On-site signage will include reminders for physical distancing throughout the meeting space, highlighting rules around health and safety practices.
- Disposable masks and hand sanitizer stations will be placed throughout the event space and common areas, and clearly marked.
- High-touch areas will be regularly cleaned and sanitized.
AFIRE is committed to implementing conscious and intentional measures that will not only help reduce the risk of COVID-19, but also promote health and safety standards for all AFIRE events. Please continue to check this page, as well as local, national, and international guidance, for other COVID-19 mitigation measures. AFIRE will revise any or all of these policies as needed and required or recommended.
Given the continually evolving nature of COVID-19, AFIRE maintains a flexible cancellation or registration adjustment policy for the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting.
AFIRE will provide full refunds for in-person cancellations and partial refunds for in-person-to-virtual registration adjustments.
Requests for refunds or adjustments received prior to 13 September 2021 will be processed within a few business days. Any requests received from 17 September 2021 up to the beginning of the event on 22 September 2021 will be processed after the event concludes.
In-person registrations can be cancelled at any time up to the morning of 22 September 2021. A full refund will be provided.
In-person registration can be also switched to a virtual registration no later than 20 September 2021. A refund will be processed, less the fee of the virtual event registration.
Any virtual registration can be upgraded to an in-person registration no later than 20 September 2021.
All requests for cancellations or alterations should be made in writing to atewelde@afire.org.
Lodging cancellations or adjustments should be handled directly with your hotel.
The 2021 Annual Membership Meeting is closed to all press and media.
AFIRE reserves the right to capture and broadcast digital media content in the form of professional photographs, live-streaming, audio, and video during the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting.
By registering for the meeting, you hereby grant permission to AFIRE and its representatives to photograph and/or record you during the in-person and virtual events at the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting, and to distribute, broadcast, use, or otherwise globally disseminate, in perpetuity, such media without any further approval or payment.
All meeting attendees agree to observe AFIRE’s House Rules regarding protected discussions, mutual respect, and inclusivity.
The registrant (referred to as “Attendee” or “I”) understands that in-person participation in the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting (“AMM”) of the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (“AFIRE”) is entirely voluntary. By participating in the AMM in person rather than through other means, such as videoconferencing, Attendee knowingly accepts and assumes all risks and accepts sole responsibility for any COVID-19-related injury. Attendee has carefully considered the risks involved in traveling to and attending the AMM, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the highly contagious nature of COVID-19 and corresponding risks of its transmission. Attendee hereby releases, covenants not to sue, discharges, and holds harmless, to the maximum extent permitted by law, AFIRE, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives, of and from any COVID-19 related injury (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind (collectively, “Claims”), that Attendee may experience or incur in connection with attending the AMM.
While AFIRE is the convener of the meeting, Attendee understands and acknowledges that AFIRE has no direct control over and is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any meeting venue personnel or others involved in producing this event, or any other attendees at the meeting. Attendee understands that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at the AMM may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of others who may attend or work at the AMM or their families, colleagues, or others with whom they may have contact. Attendee understands and agrees that the release set forth herein includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of AFIRE, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in the AMM.
In addition to all other rules and regulations relating to the Attendee’s attendance at the AMM, Attendee agrees to comply with all COVID-related procedures, restrictions and requirements that have been implemented by AFIRE, state, and local officials, the Willard Hotel, the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, including, but not limited to, mask-wearing and social distancing requirements.
I certify that I have read and fully understand this COVID-19 Liability Waiver and Assumption of Risk agreement and understand that it affects my legal rights. I also understand and agree that by registering for the AMM, I am giving up the right to sue for any Claims that I may suffer as a result of attending the AMM.
I agree and acknowledge that this agreement (1) shall be binding on me, my heirs, family, estate, representatives, and assigns and (2) is intended to be as broad as permitted under applicable law, and each waiver or provision herein is severable and shall apply notwithstanding the invalidation of any other provision herein.

Put your firm at the forefront of thought leadership in global real estate
Contact Lexie Miller (lmiller@afire.org) to learn more.
Asmait Tewelde, Meeting Director
atewelde@afire.org | +1 202 312 1404