Cars revolutionized the world when they were invented, but they’ve also had an oversized role in dictating the shape of urban environments over the past century. But our transportation culture is beginning to change—so what can cities do to adapt?

November 18, 2021

The discussion on recovery as COVID begins to decline has often surrounded America’s largest cities, but what’s happening in mid-size urban centers?

November 11, 2021

Urbanization, digitalization, and demographics are the key trends to watch for understanding the future of logistics real estate.

November 4, 2021

AFIRE CEO Gunnar Branson also joined members on-site at the exhibition center for a series of candid conversations with several Europe-based AFIRE member leaders sharing their views about asset types, investment trends, and emergent challenges and opportunities for US real estate investing.

November 4, 2021

The commercial real estate business is based on conversation. So when the world has gone online and casual conversations have become scarce—how do we keep the conversation going?

October 14, 2021

Though “impact investing” is no longer totally distinct from investing in general, investors still have a lot of work to do to fulfill the social and governance aspects of ESG expectations.

September 17, 2021

Uncertainty surrounding remote work and politics suggest a wide range of potential outcomes for big cities, which may upend the long-running megatrend toward urbanization.

September 14, 2021

Paula Campbell Roberts (KKR), shares how investors and decision-makers can look past the headlines and towards the fundamentals that matter, especially during times of prolonged uncertainty.

September 8, 2021

With Brexit and pandemic resolutions coming into focus, pricing disparities could dissipate based on improved cross-border liquidity and cap rate compression in the London office market.

September 1, 2021

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